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Why I Started a Blog

Graphic by Claudine Fernandez

Have you ever thought about something you wanted to do over and over again and think to yourself, "Why am I not doing it?" Whether it's because we care what others think or we're just too afraid to start, most of us have experienced this dilemma. I had this issue when it came to blogging. I always wanted to do it since I saw it as a positive outlet to write and hopefully inspire people who stumbled across my blog, but I faced the fear of what other people thought.

Then one random day in January I woke up and decided that it was finally time to stop letting other people's opinions cloud my goals or passions and so Vanessa on the Run became a reality. My goal is to make this blog a place where I can share parts of my life and thoughts through writing.

Of course since January it has been a constant push to keep this energy with other things I love such as singing and drawing, but everyone has to start somewhere. There will always be people who have something to say about what you're doing but as long as it makes you happy and isn't hurting anyone, I say go for it. Start a blog, post a video of you playing an instrument, create art, do whatever it takes to be you and do it unapologetically.

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