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5 Books You Need In Your Life

Updated: May 4, 2021

Over the course of 2020 to 2021 I've fallen back in love with reading for fun and want to share the five books that I think are must-reads.

  1. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life- Jen Sincero

    1. This book is up there with one of my favorites I've read recently. It's a book with inspiring stories, advice, and motivation to live the life you've always wanted. It teaches you to love the parts of you you can't change and how to thrive in the areas you can.

  2. The Happiness Project- Gretchen Rubin

    1. Rubin paints a story of her life and how she decided to start a movement called "The Happiness Project" to better her life and become a more positive person. It follows a period in her life where she goes through trials and errors of finding her true happiness and the changes she made to get to where she is now.

  3. What Every Body Is Saying- Joe Navarro

    1. This book is a little different than the past two, in the sense that it's a book written by a former FBI agent on the topic of body language. It's a really interesting read if you're into criminal justice or even just the psychology of why people act in the way they do through body language.

  4. The Secret- Rhonda Byrne

    1. If you've never read this book this is your sign to. This book along with the movie are all about the secrets of manifestation and positive energy and how what you put into the world eventually comes back to you, good or bad. It's an amazing book and one that I've read several times.

  5. The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life- Shawn Achor

    1. If you're sensing a pattern here in the books I've read the past year, you'd be right. Most of the books I found center around psychology and happiness and this book is no exception. The Happiness Advantage takes you through the psychology of a happy mind and how it can benefit you in the workplace as well as education, relationships...etc. This book gives a lot of examples of studies and experiments and is a great book for any fan of the psych.

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