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Ten Things You Need (but don't want) To Hear

Over the past year, I've learned a lot of life lessons, some obvious and some not so obvious, some pleasant and some a bit hard to accept. Although some of these life lessons might be tough love, they're things we need to hear.

  1. Stop using "tomorrow" as an excuse to do something you can easily do today.

  2. Don't hold on to people who make you feel bad just because they've been in your life for a while. Not every person is meant to stay in our lives forever.

  3. Sometimes bad memories make for good choices later on.

  4. Stop telling people your fake dream job you think they want to hear. Be unapologetic about your dreams without the fear of people judging.

  5. People are probably going to judge regardless of what you do or how you look, so here's a solution:

    1. do the things you want to do anyways.

  6. You can't be liked by everyone and that's okay. As long as you're kind and true to yourself you'll know they'll never have a good reason.

  7. Sometimes it's better to just listen, what you think is good advice isn't always the best way to go.

  8. Certain people take on a more dominant role in a friendship. If you ever get nervous that you're always the one making plans, it's most likely because that's the role you took in your friendship, not because your friends don't care.

  9. Don't keep "surface level" friendships, I can assure you it'll make you feel a lot worse than it does make you happy.

  10. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, every second is perfect for doing what you love.

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