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The Power of Being Powerless

Being a college student, I tend to feel like my life is out of my control way more than I would like to admit. Although sometimes I feel like everyone around me has life figured out, it isn't always the case. Most of us at one point or another have felt what it's like to be fearful of the future and think we have no say in who or what we become. The power of being powerless is a scary idea, but it's not an uncommon one. Whether it's looking for internships, finding your person, or even just day to day activities, everyone has felt lost sometimes.

Although I'm still figuring out who I am and who I want to be, it's comforting knowing that the person next door might be feeling the same way. As humans, we tend to shut ourselves out when things get hard and create an atmosphere where we believe we're alone and that the world is against us, but this isn't the case. Next time you're feeling overwhelmed or like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, go see a friend, phone a parent, or talk to a sibling; do anything but be alone because our social support group is one of the biggest resources we can use when we're feeling down.

My biggest advice to anyone who is reading this is to recite day and night that you're capable of much more than you give yourself credit for and that the future is scary but it's also exciting and new. You are in control of most of your decisions, so choose things that make you happy and benefit your mind and soul because life is too short to do anything else but that.

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