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The Little Things

We've all been guilty of taking our everyday life for granted that we forget to appreciate the little things that life offers us. Whether it's a warm summer night, a sunset unlike no other, or even just a peaceful conversation with a friend, we tend to overlook the little things around us that make up our everyday.

Recently, I've tried to appreciate these small moments a little more than I have before. I've slowed down on my drives home to appreciate the scenery, I've put my phone down more when hanging out with friends, and I've even started a daily journal. Although I still struggle to not get caught up in stress every once in a while, opening my eyes to the life happening around me helped me to find peace in a hectic day.

My quest for you, the reader, is to find a day this week and just slow it down. Write down three things you can do to appreciate the world around you more and put them into motion. Below are a few of my favorite things to do when I want to feel more grounded; I hope you find them as useful as I do.

  1. Start a mini gratitude journal

  2. Meditate

  3. Go for a walk without going on your phone

  4. Tell someone you appreciate them

  5. Wake up early and watch a sunrise

  6. Call your family

  7. Bake or cook something

  8. Read a book

  9. Stretch or do yoga

  10. Embrace your small victories

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you did and how it made you feel!

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