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2021: The Year of Hope

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Of course we all know 2020 was a year that shocked the world and caused us to all take a step back and re-evaluate. Like many other people, I looked forward to the end of 2020 and the beginning of something new: 2021.

As I was eagerly awaiting the clock to hit 12:00 on my TV so I could say goodbye to 2020, I realized something important. I had been in this same position over and over again. Even though I hadn't experienced a global pandemic in any other years, I had once again told myself, "Next year will be better. Next year I can finally get it together."

The truth is, it doesn't matter if it's 2016, 2021, or 2050, each year we are given a variety of situations and it's up to us to choose to make the best or the worst of it. This is why I decided to not make any resolutions in 2021 and instead make lifestyle choices. It's easier said than done and inevitably failure and setbacks always occur when chasing a goal, but without setbacks and obstacles the goal wouldn't be worth chasing.

So I invite whoever is reading this to make small changes in 2021 and to do what you love, hug the people you love, and most importantly make the most out of your time on this world. This way when the clock hits 12:00 on Jan 1st, 2022, we'll be able to look back on this year as the time we found ourselves and pushed ourselves to be the best version of us instead of just another year that got away.

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